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FTP(File Transfer Protocol ) configuration and testing in Windows Server 2008 R2

First of all you have to know  what the FTP is "File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used to transfer files from one host or to another host over a TCP-based network".

FTP Installation & Configuration:

Step 1:
Install the Web Server role with the IIS Management Console and FTP Server role services:
Step 2:
Add a new FTP Site

Step 3:
Setup the site with the default bindings and choose Allow SSL to avoid deploying a certificate:  
 Step 4:
Configure user permissions and basic or anonymous permission. If your server is connected to your domain you can specify domain users, otherwise they must be local user accounts:
Note:Finally you’ll have to configure your server’s firewall rules to allow access.Disregard any existing FTP firewall rules; although they should be enabled, they don’t actually allow access! Run Allow a Program Through Windows Firewall and grant access to C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe

Testing your newly created FTP site 
At this point of this poor article you have to download Filezilla-client Application if you have not already.
To test  FTP you need to have a basic understanding and working experience of filezilla .Here is a sample picture using FTP via Filezilla.Fill up host field,user(user1 or user2..) and password field according to your configuration.And its quite easy.Thanks.


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