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A little bit about Integrity Constraints (Advance SQL)

I've been asked today by one of my younger brother that "How can we create a table using SQL command in Oracle 10g  such that a column must accept those values that start with a specific character e.g. A."
Then I replied him to use Integrity Constraints. Since he was not familiar about  Integrity Constraints  hence he wanted to get the complete solution of his real problem.
His Problem statement was:

"Create cust table which contains cno having pk(primary key),cname and occupation where data values inserted for cno must start with the capital letter C and cname should be in uppercase."

Integrity Constraints are those which ensure that all the changes made to the Database by authorized users don't result in a loss of data consistency.
A list of Integrity Constraints are given below
  • Primary Key
  • Foreign Key
  • Unique 
  • Check
  • Not Null
We will use Check  Integrity Constraint to solve the problem.
column_name data_type(size) CHECK(logical expression)

However the entire solution of the problem is given below:
In Oracle DBMS's SQL command shell you have to write:
CREATE TABLE cust(cno varchar2(10), cname varchar2(25),occupation varchar2(30),
CHECK(cno like 'C%'),
And in MySQL DBMS's SQL command shell you have to write: 
cno nvarchar( 10 ) ,
cname nvarchar( 25 ) ,
occupation nvarchar( 30 ) ,
cno LIKE 'C%'
cname = upper( cname )
Hope it will help others( SQL beginners) as well.This is my first article about SQL.    


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