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Download a fresh virus free orginal Turbo C installation Files

Download a fresh virus free orginal Turbo C installation Files

Originally posted at virtual01notebook

4 Votes
I have seen that most of the freshers of the field of programming use Turbo C IDE because of its easy and some helpful features.Even I could not but notice that some of the great programmers had started their programmer life using TC(Turbo C).But a matter of great sorrow that some of the beginners fail to collect the original copy of the installation files of TC.They normally use the installed files from one computer to his or her own computer.This is why there take place some viruses and file missing type hazards.
Here is a trusted link to download Turbo C IDE(5.51 MB):
File Name:
File Size: 5.51 MB
How to Install
1.Unzip the downloaded file to your desired drive( e.g. C:\ ,D:\).
2.Go inside the “DISK1″ folder.
3.Click on Install.exe
4.Press Enter(Return Key) to continue
5.Type the Drive letter in where you have kept the unzipped “TCPLUS30″.Example : C or D
6.Press Enter(Return key)
7.Press F9
All should be installed now.


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