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Showing posts from 2011

Download a fresh virus free orginal Turbo C installation Files

Download a fresh virus free orginal Turbo C installation Files Originally posted at virtual01notebook 4 Votes I have seen that most of the freshers of the field of programming use Turbo C IDE because of its easy and some helpful features.Even I could not but notice that some of the great programmers had started their programmer life using TC(Turbo C).But a matter of great sorrow that some of the beginners fail to collect the original copy of the installation files of TC.They normally use the installed files from one computer to his or her own computer.This is why there take place some viruses and file missing type hazards. Here is a trusted link to download Turbo C IDE(5.51 MB): File Name: File Size: 5.51 MB URL : TC How to Install 1.Unzip the downloaded file to your desired drive( e.g. C:\ ,D:\). 2.Go inside the “DISK1″ folder. 3.Click on Install.exe 4.Press Enter(Return Key) to continue 5.Type the Drive letter in where you ha...

Turbo C Full Screen in Windows 7 using DOS Box 0.74

Turbo C Full Screen in Windows 7 using DOS Box 0.74   Original Posted at virtual01notebook 2 Votes In my previous post I have provided a link of original Turbo C IDE.But there is a great problem with Windows 7 that it doesn’t support full screen mode for some previous version of games and vital softwares such as Turbo C IDE.In this article I’ll show how to run TC in full screen mode in windows 7 using DOS box 0.74(DOSBox is emulator software that emulates an IBM PC compatible computer running MS-DOS). Required Software: * DOS Box v0.74(1.4MB) Download and install DOS Box. How to run TC in Full Screen Mode using Dos Box: 1.At first create a directory(folder) in any drive e.g. C:, D:, and Named it DOS_BOSS.So the path of the directory Should be C:\DOS_BOSS or D:\DOS_BOSS. 2.Copy your Installed TC folder in DOS_BOSS folder. 3.Run DOSBox 0.74.exe from Desktop or Start>All Programs>DOSBox 0.74>DOSBox 0.74.exe. 4.No...

Connecting Internet by EDGE Modem(EM01) or GP modem in Linux Mint or Ubuntu:

How to Connect with Internet through EDGE Modem(EM01) or GP modem in Linux Mint or Ubuntu: Original posted at  virtual01notebook      It is very easy to connect with Internet using EDGE Modem .No configuration is required so no meshing just download some Debian packages although all of the listed packages is not needed but it is recommended to download all the packages and install them all.I will describe a quasi graphical mode or you may named it fully graphical as your wish. Required Packages: * libwvstreams4.6-base * libwvstreams4.6-extras * libuniconf4.6 * usb-modeswitch (actually required) Steps have to be followed: # Create a folder in Desktop suppose “EDGE” and copy all the downloaded packages into the folder. # Well! Now Open the terminal If you are from Ubuntu you have to put an extra command But if you are using Linux mint just go inside the folder then write click on a free space then select Open...