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Showing posts from October, 2020

image fallback directive angularjs

  HTML: < img fallback-src = "" ng-src = "{{image}}" /> JS: myApp.directive( 'fallbackSrc' , function ( ) { var fallbackSrc = { link : function postLink ( scope, iElement, iAttrs ) { iElement.bind( 'error' , function ( ) { angular.element( this ).attr( "src" , iAttrs.fallbackSrc); }); } } return fallbackSrc; });


आहर निद्रा भय मैथुनं च सामान्यमेतत पशुभिर्नराणाम् धर्मो हि तेषाम् अधिको विशेषो धर्मेण हीना पशुभिः समाना ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca samanyam etat pashubhih naranam dharmo hi tesham adhiko vishesho dharmena hina pashubhih samanah Hunger, sleep,fear and sexual desire are the instincts which are common between mankind and beasts (animals). .It is especially 'Dharma;' that mankind possesses additionally, and a person bereft of 'Dharma' is like a beast, “Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating are the four principles of animal life. These are common both to animals and to human beings. But religion is the extra function of the human being. Without religion, human life is no better than animal life.” -from Mahabharata

Get First Date and Last date of previous Month using javascript

Getting First date of previous Month:  let GetFirstDateOfPreviousMonth=function(refDate){ let FirstDayPrevMonth = new Date(refDate.getFullYear(), refDate.getMonth()-1, 1); return FirstDayPrevMonth; } Getting Last date of previous Month: let GetLastDateOfPreviousMonth=function(refDate){ let LastDayPrevMonth = new Date(refDate.getFullYear(), refDate.getMonth(), 0); return LastDayPrevMonth ; }

Example of STUFF or FOR XML Path in SQL

This query is helpful when you want to make CSV type data for a relational table column Query     DECLARE @culture nvarchar(50)='en'   SELECT REPLACE(STUFF((             SELECT ',' + (CASE WHEN @culture='en' THEN esf.[Name_en] WHEN @culture='jp' THEN esf.[Name_jp] ELSE esf.[Name_jp] END)              FROM [dbo].[Staff.ProfessionalSpeciality] Sps   INNER JOIN [Master.EstimationSpecializedField] esf ON Sps.ProfessionalID = esf.ID    WHERE Sps.IsSelected = 1 AND Sps.StaffID= '875435ad-4851-48ad-8082-e1b687a9c3e3'             FOR XML PATH('')             ), 1, 1, ''),'&amp;','&')

To List down all DB Stored Procedure and Functions

 Here is a SQL Query to List down all DB Stored Procedure and Functions .We can use this to make a small tool to backup stored procedure and functions automatically using windows service . Query: DECLARE MY_CURSOR Cursor FOR SELECT TOP 1000 r.ROUTINE_NAME,r.ROUTINE_TYPE,r.Routine_Definition FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.Routines r  OPEN MY_CURSOR     DECLARE @sproc VARCHAR(MAX)  DECLARE @Name VARCHAR(MAX)    DECLARE @Type VARCHAR(MAX)      FETCH NEXT FROM MY_CURSOR INTO @Name, @Type, @sproc     WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)     BEGIN         IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2) PRINT @Name PRINT @Type         PRINT @sproc         FETCH NEXT FROM MY_CURSOR INTO @Name, @Type, @sproc     END CLOSE MY_CURSOR DEALLOCATE MY_CURSOR GO